
BMC's proposal

To see the timeline of events that got us here, please go to the timeline.

While the original request for proposal, RFP, was for 75-100 housing first supportive housing units, DCAMM announced the provisional designation to BMC for the development of a compus for more than 851 people either actively using or recovering from substance use disorder here which includes in their proposal:

One main talking point from the proposers is that there have always been services on the Shattuck Campus. While partially true, what is being proposed is a dramatic shift and increase in beds which have led to recent opioid use in the park. See below. Before the Shattuck Redevelopment vision plan, which called for 75-100, there were none. Since the vision plan, 54 were added on the campus and another 141 were approved nearby on Washington St. With BMC's new proposal, this will be bumped to 698. We are told there will be no issues because there were no issues when we had no beds of this type, meanwhile we are seeing issues with the current 54 and this will be increased to 698.

Type Now Proposed Notes
Tightly overseen beds
SOAP 54 54
ATS 32 32
TSS(CSS) 32 48
RRS 40 112
In-patient Psych 260 48
Total 418 294
Mix of active and inactive opioid use beds without sobriety nor treatment requirements while having unsupervised access to the park
Behavioral Health Respite 0 32 Unclear what these are. Beds for those not ready for treatment.
Low-threshold 54 120
PSH 0 405
Nearby PSH 0 141 Pine St Inn on Washington St
Total 54 698
BMC's FOIAed proposal can be seen here.

Definitions and phrases



Community counter talking points

Although the proposal is noble in intentions, there may be unintended consequences. Similar noble intentions led to the area of Mass and Cass. Below are the main issues heard from the community.

1. Too big and too concentrated to work. Our park cannot effectively handle 54, let alone 850+.

2. Long island is a better site for this with limited to no access by drug dealers.

3. Decentralization works; this plan is more centralized than anything in North America with easy access to drug dealers.

4. The community did not ask for this.

5. No one has experience handling a campus this large focused on substance use disorder and mitigating the impact it may have on the community.

6. This proposal is further concentrating services in communities of color.

Write to elected officials.

Peer reviewed research

Beware of circulated PDFs and cherrypicked research which may misrepresent the truth or be out of date. Below is an aggregate of a lot of the top recent peer reviewed literature which comes to a scientific consensus. Cited times included to indicate possible relevance in the field.

News articles

Alternatives for the space

Allow those abutting the park decide what they want for the space through a true community process; this is in contrast to the current outcome which was predetermined by the Executive office of Health and Human Services, the Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness, and DCAMM from the State.

Possibilities include:
  1. The original plan of 75-100 supportive housing.
  2. Affordable housing.
  3. Return to the park.
  4. Community center.
  5. Housing for those in recovery to separate people in recovery from those actively using.
  6. A campus for 850+ opioid users from across New England, both in recovery and actively using.

Possible alternative sites for smaller services spread throughout Massachusetts

Below is a partial list of possible sites, which mostly includes abandoned state hospitals. This is still a work in progress. For reference, BMC's extremely large and dense proposal is projected to use 7 acres in Franklin Park. Sites recently sold for other purposes Still needs to be checked

News of alternative sites for smaller services spread throughout Massachusetts

Large PSH elsewhere

Work in progress